Seasonal Therapies
Welcome to Breathe's Seasonal Therapies

Many women book massage therapy to ease an injury they’ve sustained. I see women that play professional hockey & football, run marathons, are climbers, trek 26miles+, compete in triathlons, …however, the main cause of injury that women ask me to treat are those injuries sustained whilst gardening! Yep, gardening is in fact an Extreme Sport!! Ease away the deep aches & pains of gardening with a bespoke therapeutic Gardeners Massage, with specific focus on releasing stiffness in your lower back, easing tension & melting away the knots throughout your shoulders (bit ouchy but lush!) & gently stretching & releasing your neck to allow for complete restorative realignment throughout the whole body, & deep relaxation for your soon-to-be revived muscles.
Available to book June-September
Select 60min or 90min via online booking, then choose 'Gardeners Massage' from therapy options list
I very much look forward to sharing relaxation time with you soon