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Appointment  Information

therapy room
therapy room

Useful Information for Booked Appointments at Breathe:


Address:  Welcome to Breathe Therapies for Women's Holistic Health. Your holistic relaxation therapies are close to Dereham Town Centre at Elmhurst, 22 Neatherd Road, Dereham. Please feel free to park behind the main house right outside the therapy rooms. See pictures for parking spaces.


If you’d rather park in town, the Cherry Tree car park, Neatherd Moor car park & Morrisons (& Factory Shop) are all 2-4 mins walk away. When you arrive, please ring both doorbells at the front door & I'll meet you there to show you through to the Therapy Room.


Due to differing ages of the houses on Neatherd rd, they are NOT numbered chronologically, Breathe is at no. 22 which is next to the juction/traffic lights. Green front door with white pillars either side.


If you plan to park at the house, the easiest way to approach the house is:

From cherry tree car park/town centre direction -  simply turn left into drive at the traffic lights

From Morrsions/Factory shop direction - straight over at the taffic lights.

No need to worry about the junction, it just means everyone stops for you to arrive & leave safely & easily.


If you arrive more then 5 mins early for your appoitment, please wait in your car as the room will be being prepared for you.

Rear view of 22 Neatherd Road, Dereham, UK
  • Please endeavor to arrive no more than 5 mins before your appointment so I can enusre that your therapy space is all set up & ready for you, & to avoid parking congestion. If you do arrive more than 5 mins before your booked appointment time, please wait in your car & I'll come & meet you there.


  • The Therapy Room is a ground floor building with one step to & from the building, access is via a gravel drive. Bathroom facilities available on groundfloor level also.


  • Please arrive promptly for your appointment (as above) to ensure you can enjoy maximum therapy time (please drive with great care when arriving & leaving, thank you).


  • Please wait on the drive when you arrive & I will come & meet you from your car.


  • On arrival please turn mobile phones off/put on silent for the duration of your therapy time to ensure your complete relaxation. If you have long hair, please bring a hair tie to put your hair up if you're having a back, shoulder or neck massage. Thank you.


  • At your first appointment you will be asked if there is anything further to add to your health consultation information given at booking, please discuss any health updates prior to each subsequent appointment.​


  • Please wear comfortable clothes to your appointment (pyjamas are welcomed for evening appointments!), & feel free to bring your own drink. Please avoid caffiene & heavy meals prior to your appoinment in order to receive maxiumum benefits from your relaxation time. Avoid wearing flipflops to your appointment as oily feet from massage or reflexology, flipflops & driving are not a good mix.


  • Children under 18 must be accompanied by a suitable adult for each appointment. Partners are welcome to attend pregnancy appointments.


Front view of 22 Neatherd Road, Dereham, UK

Payment/health investment: Cash or Bacs. Bacs details are included in booking confirmatiom email. 

Payment is kindly requested at or before your appointment time. Many thanks.



​Cancellation Policy: 


Cancellation less than 48hrs to booked time: Full therapy price will be requested

Non-compliance will affect furture bookings.​ Although I have waiting lists,

filling appointments on short notice is often not possible. 


Thank you for understanding & supporting this solo business policy


If you have any questions before your appointment, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to welcoming you to your Breathe Relaxation in the Therapy Room soon.

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