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Thank you for visiting Breathe for your Therapeutic Holistic Therapies.

To recieve maximum benefits form your therapy time please read the following aftercare advice:


For the rest of the day:

  • Stay well hydrated, drinking plenty of water encourages the natural detoxification supported by your therapy. Being well hydrated supports the body to feel its best.

  • Keep the aromatherapy oils & products on your skin for a few hours, or even over night to contiune to recieve the maximum therapeutic benefits (if you have oil/balm on your feet, please be mindful on hard floors)

  • Rest as & when you can, an afternoon nap is encouraged. A sit-down with a cup of tea is equally good. Meeting a friend for lunch or a cuppa, or doing something lovely just for you will only add to the benfits.

  • Choose light & nutritious meals that fuel your body for the rest of the day

  • Avoid or reduce caffeine, high sugar processed foods & alcohol for 24hrs (these add stress to the body)

  • Stay out of the sun as oils used may cause you to burn more easily (& risk dehydration)

  • Having an early night is also recommended


For the following 2-3 days:

  • Maintain good posture after therapeutic massage to allow the body to realign

  • Complete any gentle stretches as recommended during your treatment

  • A bath is always recommended if baths are your thing. Add epson or magnesium salts for extra therapeutic benefits

  • Maintain your excellent hydration levels - every cell in your body needs water to fuction at its best. Drink up!

  • Keep the early nights if they feel good

  • Add in your aromatherapy at home oils to sustain the feelings of relaxtion & calm for you & your family

  • Book your next holistic therapy time, the 'looking forward to it' has powerful holistic benfits too:)




Please feel free to contact me with any questions about your holistic therapies


Occasionally (predominantly after your first massage therapy/reflexology) you may experience a Balancing Process Response. This can present as feeling tired with a slight headache. This is entirely normal and nothing to be concerned about, in fact it’s quite the opposite! It shows that your body is responding to the therapy well & is rebalancing. This balancing response signifies that you are having a very positive reaction to your relaxation therapy (this can occur up to 48hrs+ after your therapy). These feelings of tiredness & headache will ease with good hydration & rest in just a few hours.

If you are ready to book your next holistic relaxation time and would like to get this in your diary, please book online via link below. Evenings tend to be booked well in advance so I recommend to book asap (reminder for evening appointments that it’s absolutely fine to arrive in pyjamas).


Appointments are available to book 8 weeks in advance.

If you can't find the appointment you're looking for, please feel free to email me.

Guest Reviews

Reviews & recommendations are greatly appreciated & really helps those looking to include Holistic Relaxation
Therapies into their lives. If you feel that you would like to leave a review this would be very much appreciated.


Link below for Google review

(only if it feels right though, no pressure)


If you would like to leave a review but would prefer to be anonymous, please email HERE instead.

Reviews contribute so much to the positivity of Breathe.


Thank you again, I genuinely love sharing relaxing time with you.



Thank you for choosing to spend your relaxation time at Breathe.

I look forward to welcoming you to your next therapeutic relaxation time soon.

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